Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Just another day at the library...

The internet was broken. For the entire county. All day. Broken. No circulation. No catalog. No processing. No email. No surfing the net.

Great day for the mom with 6 kids to come to the library for the first time ever to get cards for everybody and to check-out stacks of books on each and every card, (which we have to write down to input later) which the kids then left setting on various shelves and tables all over the library, forgot about, left the building, then came back an hour later, wanting to know where their books were , (which had by then been re-shelved) and by the way, did we have any books on (insert random obscure subject here). No, I can not look that up. There is no catalog today.

The internet is broken. All day. Broken. Yes, that includes the wireless. Yes, I know the wireless is wireless, but it's still broken.Yes, it is broken. The internet is broken. All of it.

Yes, I love my job, but I'm not looking forward to tomorrow. And for the love of all things holy, please let the internet be fixed. Please.

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